Sunday, January 30, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Drinking coffee.

I love coffee,like other millions people do,I love drinking coffee in the morning and after lunch,sometimes i drunk too much, so i came up  to my mind to research about the Advantage and Disadvantage of drinking coffee.


1.Antioxidant -Reserach shows that coffee has antioxidant if taken two times daily.
2.Diabetics prevention - Coffee has a natural sugar content that make it more sugar blood is advisable though that put less  processed sugar when preparing coffee drink and consume in a small quantities.
3.Helps Fights Cancer- Coffee has ability to fight cancer especially Colon an active antioxidant producer it can help reduce the risk of developing cancer.
4.Anti Deppressant- Drinking coffee can bring mentalfucos nad relaxation,the fresh scent among of coffee can calm mood swing and making your brain always alert.
5.Good for the Heart- Coffee contains Tannin which promotes good vascular diseases in contraryto known effect of cofee to the heart.Small amount of expresso coffee can benefits your heart and no negative effects.
6.Good for Liver Theraphy-Prevent the risk of Having Cirrhosis
7.Can Reduce Ashmatic  attack-Coffee has cafeine which help promotes good respiratory health.


1.Too much consumption of caffeine can cause addiction.Better drink coffee moderately to avoid habit.
2.It can Cause Deppression and Nervousness.
3.It may cause Heart Damage,too much consumptionn can cause the heart panic in heart regular activity.heart  
beat faster because coffee is a good stimulant.
4.It can cause Cancer.drinking coffee when stomach is empty.

I just reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of drinking coffee,it can be only harmful,if too much consumption.Drink moderately and not make it as a hobby to get the healthy benefits..



David said...

Good info!! I've been cutting back my coffee drinking and consuming more tea, never heard that it causes cancer on empty stomach. Anyway hot tea is my future :)

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