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Think! think! think... I just wanted to share my thoughts,i got a hard time trusting someone,someone that i want to share with my laughters and tears,someone that could understand me,through ups and downs wont leave me and stick on me forever,no matter what the situation will be..ive been fooled lots of times,been hurt and healed and now i got trouble trusting people..i made a survey from my fb friends and here are some: Cirej Bautistaposted t Cliff Heady to have faith and believe Ryann Castro Aside from the rubber thing with the brand name as what is asked from above, here are some definitions 1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. 2. confident expectation of something; hope. 3. confidence in the certainty of future payment for prop Over all, "Trust" is earned, not demanded, asked or enforced. Ronor Cabellita is like a glass,1ce 8's broke u cn never return 8 back!thats trust 4 me.assured reliance on d character,strength,or truth,of sum1 or sumthng..2 rely on or on d truth of believe... Daniel Dugos tiwala pra s ibang tao,s frnds,s partner,etc..madaling i.lend ngunit mahirap ibalik once n nasira..^_^ Colin Garvey trust is what bonds friends and lovers together Those opinions and definition are real..big thanks to all my friends for sharing it, WHAT IS TRUST? |
Trust is a major part in the foundation of interpersonal relationships, whether it is between parents and children, friends, or lovers. It is just as easy to build trust as it is to break it down on a daily basis. If your interpersonal relationships are plagued by that deadly element called "suspicion,and fear " then you might find success if you put effort toward trust-building. Trust is heart warming, a great attribute often abused and broken by many. We learn to trust, as we learn to love. If trust comes by so easily, it is also lost and destroyed by a single moment of breaking and in a fraction of a second, all hope and security can be lost.
- 1Do What You say. Possibly the most important step to building a foundation of trust is to do what you say you will do. At least try doing it. Even if it is a small thing, canceling or failing to follow through will create hairline fractures in your trustworthiness. Enough of those, and the foundation will crumble.2
- Never Lie. Sounds easy, right? Not always. It's surprisingly simple to find yourself saying a little white lie to protect your friend, lover, or even your parents. But if you tell the truth even when the truth isn't perfectly pleasant, you will become much more trustworthy. Kind of a no-brainer, right? If you never lie, people will sense that and you will be much more loved and appreciated for your honesty.
- 3Volunteer information. When an opportunity to be vague arises, don't take it. Volunteer information to your listener to prove that you have nothing to hide.
Example of breaking down trust: "How did the meeting with the lawyer go?" "It went fine."
Example of building trust: "How did the meeting with the lawyer go?" "It went fine. The whole day was stressful, getting all the documentation together, and we barely made it on time. But we both signed and he said it would get mailed out tomorrow."
You aren't saying anything different—the meeting with the lawyer went fine—but by volunteering information, you are proving that you have nothing to hide. - 4Don't omit important details. The main reason it is best not to omit important details is because it is hard to keep up with a string of omissions. People will start to notice contradictions in your stories and you will be considered a liar, even if you are only omittinga little! Tell people things they need or want to know, if you begin to provide reliable information they will trust you.
- 5If you do have secrets, let it be known. You shouldn't be forced to give up your most personal feelings and secrets just to be trustworthy. Everyone is entitled to privacy. But the key to being trustworthy while also maintaining your privacy is to make the boundary clear.
Example: "I am not ready to share my feelings on my ex-wife right now, but I promise you have nothing to worry about."
This gives your listener a chance to prove he/she is understanding and patient, but most importantly, it gives your listener a sense of security. Even if they don't like being shut out, they know that you will eventually divulge. Pretending the secret completely doesn't exist will leak out unintentionally, and simply make them suspicious. - 6Don't mask truths. An off-shoot of "Never lie" is never to mask truths. Sometimes it seems harmless to "morph" the truth into something more palatable to preserve your ego.
For example, a man not admitting that he's broke that weekend may instead claim that he lost his credit card. The loss of a credit card is a harmless possibility, but the risk of the truth emerging (or the risk of your listener perceiving the lie) will fracture trust. Tell the truth no matter the cost. - 7Keep Secret.No gossip allowed. Never blab someone else's story. Enough said. You can only trust people who are discreet and those who can keep the same silences or protect your confidences.
- 8If You Do Lie.Admit to it. Sometimes it feels unavoidable to lie. It is best to confess to your lie as soon as possible and explain your motives. If you get caught, don't deny it. That is simply another lie.
- 9Speak your feelings. People who only convey hard facts come across as cold and distant.
- 10Tell the truth. If being honest and truthful is critical, you must be seen as someone who speaks the truth.
- 11Honor your promises. Trust requires that people believe you are dependable.
- 12Show openness. This implies relying on a person to give you the full truth. Mistrust comes as much from what people know, including what they do not know.
- 13Show consistency in your behavior. This relates to your reliability and predictability. It also determines your ability and good judgement in handling situations. Display loyalty. This refers to your ability to protect others, to be on same side, in their presence but most importantly in their absence.
- 14Do not break promises, however small and insignificant they may seem. Trust requires that people know you are dependable.
- 15Be competent. Gain the respect and admiration of others by displaying adequate interpersonal or professional ability.
- 16Demonstrate a strong moral ethic. This is particularly important in relationships. The other must feel confident that you will not falter or show betrayal in any form, when away from the other. People must not doubt your ability to be true or dedicated.
- 17Be neutral when placed in difficult predicaments. Do not choose sides until you make certain that you know the hard facts.
- 18Aim to be objective and show fairness. When making decisions or taking actions consider how others may perceive this in terms of objectivity and fairness.
- 19Do not display double standards. Show consistency in your behavior.
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