Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jelousy Causes and Cure

Speak to Me Lord...Inspirational Writings by Women for Women: Volume 1JEALOUSY  defined in Dictionary as "Zealous Vigilance" 

Causes of Jealousy

Unmet Expectations
  Many times we place unrealistic expecattion on ourselves and the people around us,often times we feel things should come easier and faster to us,then if things dnt happen when we thik they should,we inevitably run ito someone  who already has what we want,all of a sudden ,we feel this surge of ugly  emotios calle jelousy.

A Sense of Entitlement.

For some reason we have this ingrained attitude that we are entitled to thigs,kids leaving the nest for the first believe thier own standard of living should be the same as thier parents.they dont consider that the parents have worked for years and years ,may times people with fiancial problems feel "entitled" to buy things on credit,even though they know that is a bad idea.having the nicest car and the newest toys seems important than getting out of debt.


It is so easy to look and wish we had what they have,and so many times it doesnt stop there.we start berating ourselves for not having waht they have,then we begin to believe negatives junk ourselves.the next things we knew"we've developed Insecurities in Our relationship.

How To Overcome  Jealousy

Stop comparing yourself to other were created a very unique and a special person.god had plan for you long before you took your first breath.relish that thought ,love the fact that you're special.what god has in mind for you isnt the same as for someone you dt have to feel bad that you dont have all the qualities ,features,money,or anything else that someone has.your journey is just thats.YOURS

Stop worrrying about you all the time.find way to be blessing to someone else,when you change your fucos away from yourself.all of the suddenyour self image improves,you get to experinece the feelings of satisfaction that only come when youre blessing to someone else, your priorities start changes and on one day you realize that the things that used to make so jealous and so nuts ,dnt bother  you so much anymore

Stop Wanting What Other People have  if your not willing to go through what they did to get it.when you see a person who is physically fit and looks positively great,It easy to feel really jealous.But you are willing to work out everyday?  are you willing  to eat healthy and look for ways to be healthy? if your not then if your not  then there really is no reason to feel of got jelous.

Start fucosing on al that positive of  life, god has given soo mnay wonderful gifts that may other people dnt have .fucos on using gifts  to help to someone else.since your mind can only consciously think aboout one   things at a time.doesnt it make sense to make sure that,i positive  and moving  towards the really great thing to in life.


JIM said...

some really good words to live by.. Wouldn't it be abetter world if we listened?? Thanks

Unknown said...

I always feel insecure, jealous .. all in one. And I don't know how to overcome it. Thanks for this post. ^^

sulekkha said...

It's a nice collection of thoughts for better living.Thanks for sharing.

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